One Paper Accepted in IEEE TKDE
Our paper “LF-GDPR: A Framework for Estimating Graph Metrics with Local Differential Privacy ” has been accepted for publish in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Our paper “LF-GDPR: A Framework for Estimating Graph Metrics with Local Differential Privacy ” has been accepted for publish in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Our paper “Beyond Value Perturbation: Differential Privacy in the Temporal Setting” has been accepted for publish in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’21).
Our paper “Protecting Decision Boundary of Machine Learning Model With Differentially Private Perturbation” has been accepted for publish in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
I have been awarded a new NSFC project (面上项目, 2021-2024) with title “机器学习即服务中的防欺诈和完整性验证研究”, for 570,000 RMB.
Our paper “Preserving User Privacy For Machine Learning: Local Differential Privacy or Federated Machine Learning? ” has been accepted for publish in IEEE Intelligent Systems. Our paper “OHEA: Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks against Untrusted Sensors” has been accepted for publish in ACM CIKM 2020.
A research project entitled “Securing Models and Data for Machine Learning at the Edge” has been awarded by Research Grant Council, HKSAR with HK$845,055 (2021-2023).
I have been awarded an ITF grant from Hong Kong government with title ” vMPOS: Virtual Mobile POS using Smartphone and Near Field Communication” for HK$ 3,927,250 (2020-2023).
I received ICDE 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award among six other reviewers out of 200+ TPC members.
Our paper “Towards Locally Differentially Private Generic Graph Metric Estimation” has been accepted for publish in IEEE ICDE 2020. Our paper “Cloud Password Shield: A Secure Cloud-based Firewall against DDoS on Authentication Servers” has been accepted for publish in IEEE ICDCS 2020.