
I am a Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. My research interests include adversarial machine learning, data privacy, database and network security, mobile, spatiotemporal and social databases. Aside from research, I lead the ASTAPLE lab, and the PolyU CTF Team. I am a senior member of IEEE, ACM, and CCF. I am also a certified Cisco CCNA Security Trainer. More information can be found in my CV.

Sticky Posts

(New 2025!) Multiple PhD students, research assistants, and postdocs wanted

I have openings for 3+ PhD students (2025 in-take), and 4+ research assistants/postdoc researchers (immediately available) in the field of ...

Recent Posts

ITF Grant Awarded

I have been awarded an ITF grant with project title "MyGPTShield: A Personalized Privacy-Preserving Prompt Service for Large Generative AI ...

(New 2025!) Multiple PhD students, research assistants, and postdocs wanted

I have openings for 3+ PhD students (2025 in-take), and 4+ research assistants/postdoc researchers (immediately available) in the field of ...

GRF Research Grant Awarded

A research project entitled "Right To Be Forgotten Made Easy: Machine Unlearning, Differential Privacy and Beyond" has been awarded by ...

One Paper Accepted by VLDB 2024

Our paper “PriPL-Tree: Accurate Range Query for Arbitrary Distribution under Local Differential Privacy” has been accepted by International Conference on ...

Six Papers Accepted by IEEE ICDE 2024

Our following papers are accepted by IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE '24), Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2024 as full ...

Serving on IEEE TIFS Editorial Board

I start to serve as an associate editor on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ...

One Paper Accepted by PVLDB 2024

Our paper "DPSUR: Accelerating Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent Using Selective Update and Release” has been accepted by PVLDB 2024 ...

Serving on IEEE TKDE Editorial Board

I start to serve as an associate editor on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ...

CFP: Special Issue on AI Empowered Edge Computing (ACM TOMM)

TOMM_AIEmpoweredEdgeComputingDownload ...

Three Papers Accepted by IEEE TMC, TDSC, and ACM TOPS

Our paper “TED+Utility-Aware Time Series Data Release with Anomalies under TLDP” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing ...